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​The AV095 series of relief valves are safety devices for discharging a certain amount of gas when the pressure at the control point exceeds a given level due to any temporary occurrence.

Naziv proizvoda
Honeywell-RMG Kassel, Bryan Donkin, Gorter /Gasni regulatori pritiska – Gorter

AV095 relief valves from Honeywell's Gorter product line can discharge gas for occurrences such as the momentary shutting of the on-off valve and/or the overheating of the gas with no flow requirement. The amount of discharged gas depends on the entity of the excess pressure in relation to the pressure setting.

AV095 offers a simple design, can be mounted in any position and requires little maintenance. It provides improved operational safety and high response accuracy.

How Does It Work?
-Technical specifications include:
-Medium: Gases in gas group 2, as listed in DVGW worksheet G260 L
-Temperature: -20°C to +60°C
-System pressure: Maximum 100 bar / 250 bar
-Maximum outlet pressure: Depends on spring type
-Weight: approx. 10 kg
-Height: 250 mm
-Largest diameter: Ø 130 mm
-Pipe connections ¼" BSP (2x; inlet and breathing); ½" BSP (outlet)

What Problems Does It Solve?
​-AV095 relief valves offer users high response accuracy and improved operational safety while requiring minimal maintenance.


Kompanija Honeywell je 2016. godine izvršila akviziciju kompanije Elster GmbH, čime je ustoličena pozicija Honeywell-a kao vodeće svetske kompanije u ovoj branši industrije. Jedna je od 100 najvećih kompanija u svetu prema Fortune rangiranju. Širok proizvodni program, visoko kvalitetni proizvodi kao i konkurentne cene ističu Honeywell iznad konkurencije. 

Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) je ogranak kompanije Honeywell i svetski lider sa preko 40 godina iskustva u rešenjima za automatiku i kontrolu, koja pomažu industrijskim korisnicima da vrše poslove bezbedno, pouzdano i efikasno kroz inovativnu tehnologiju, usluge i usko stručne ekspertize. Sa više od 12,000 zaposlenih širom sveta, HPS nudi svoje usluge kupcima u više od 125 zemalja sveta u domenu nafte & gasa, rafinerija, petrohemije, puple & papira, specijalnih hemikalija, farmaceutskih proizvoda, rudarstva, itd.

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