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HON 260 Regulator

The HON 260 gas pressure regulator is ideal for deployment at offtake stations in gas systems as well as commercial and industrial facilities. It offers fast reactivity with the possibility of installing different valve seat diameters. ​​​​​

Naziv proizvoda
HON 260 Regulator
Honeywell-RMG Kassel, Bryan Donkin, Gorter /Regulatori pritiska gasa do PN 16 (ANSI 150)

Features include:

-Diaphragm housing may be turned 180 degrees with respect to main valve body
-Fast reactivity
-Installation of different valve seat diameters possible
-Regulator can be installed in any position (without vent limiting device)
-May be optionally fitted with a Safety Relief Valve for over-pressure (OPCO) or over-pressure/ under-pressure release (UPCO/OPCO)
-Suitable for natural, non-aggressive and manufactured gases; nitrogen, carbon dioxide and propane; and other gases upon enquiry
-Max. inlet pressure pu max: up to 10 bar
-Outlet pressure range Wd: 0.01 to 0.385 bar

-Angular type: Inlet: ½", ¾", 1"; Outlet: 1"
-Straight type: Inlet: ½", ¾", 1"; Outlet: ½", ¾", 1"
-Type: F with incorporated filter
-Temperature range: 40 to 60 °C

All mechanical components of this device are without potential ignition sources and/ or hot faces. They are not subject to ATEX 95 (94/9/EC). All electronic accessories, on the other hand, meet ATEX requirements.


Kompanija Honeywell je 2016. godine izvršila akviziciju kompanije Elster GmbH, čime je ustoličena pozicija Honeywell-a kao vodeće svetske kompanije u ovoj branši industrije. Jedna je od 100 najvećih kompanija u svetu prema Fortune rangiranju. Širok proizvodni program, visoko kvalitetni proizvodi kao i konkurentne cene ističu Honeywell iznad konkurencije. 

Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) je ogranak kompanije Honeywell i svetski lider sa preko 40 godina iskustva u rešenjima za automatiku i kontrolu, koja pomažu industrijskim korisnicima da vrše poslove bezbedno, pouzdano i efikasno kroz inovativnu tehnologiju, usluge i usko stručne ekspertize. Sa više od 12,000 zaposlenih širom sveta, HPS nudi svoje usluge kupcima u više od 125 zemalja sveta u domenu nafte & gasa, rafinerija, petrohemije, puple & papira, specijalnih hemikalija, farmaceutskih proizvoda, rudarstva, itd.

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